Police Dog Team 6-Cage Carrier
Police dog team carrier built in this case on a Ford Transit L3/H2 van. This type of conversion provides a dedicated unit able to carry up to 8x Police Officers and 6x cages for dogs comprising of three separate zones for:
- Zone 1 - Vehicle cab working area for the driver and unit skipper.
- Zone 2 – Crew area
- Zone 3 – Dog area
Specification options include:
- Zone 1 - Cab area – Seating for 2x or 3x Police Officers in the vehicle cab (depending upon the van order specification).
- Zone 2 - Crew area – Travel seats with seat belts for 5x Police Officers
- Zone 2 - Crew area – Fully lined interior with entry access handles and exit point bump pad.
- Zone 2 - Crew area – Interior layout configured with 2x reversed seats and a team briefing table.
- Zone 2 - Crew area – Large offside mounted overhead locker with netting for crew bags.
- Zone 2 - Crew area – Interior compartment illumination with white and red switchable lighting.
- Zone 2 - Crew area –Bulkhead between the dog cage and crew travel zones.
- Zone 3 - Dog area - 6-DEFRA compliant size Police dog cages.
- Zone 3 – Dog area - The lower 3x cages are set forward of the upper 3x cages to create a jump off step for the dogs entering and leaving this area.
- Zone 3 - Dog area – Rear access cage doors with forward cage escape hatches into the crew team area.
- Zone 3 - Dog area – Fully lined dog welfare working area with sealed edges and storage for food and water bowls.
- Exterior – Full Police Battenberg markings and overt emergency service warning equipment.
For further information on this solution and other custodial vehicle options, please select and complete the New Enquiry form or call 01302 279265